8 Ways To Get Motivated and Stay Motivated

Krissy Ferguson
4 min readMar 7, 2020

Getting motivate and staying motivated, is that possible?

Most people, including myself, go through a burst of motivation, and then we hit low points in our productivity.

For me, consistency would change based on what is going on in life at any particular moment. Holidays, kid activities, travel plans, or life happens.

How many times have you had a to-do list and the excitement to “get things done today” when the school calls to pick up kids because of a fever or the dog eats something random, and you spend your day at the vet? You’re working on a project at work, and it doesn’t turn out how you wanted, so you get discouraged.

Here are eight ways to get motivated daily

1. Journaling prompts

Positive self-talk by rewrite limiting beliefs into affirmations.

Take the believes that you tell yourself every day and turn them into positive affirmations.

Start by using phrases like “I am”, “I have”, “I know” and “I am becoming”.

~ I am beautiful

~ I know I am a good mom

~ I have it in me to communicate my needs

~ I am becoming the best version of myself

2. Daily achievements

At the end of each day, write about everything you did during the day. Seeing proof that you have accomplished even small things helps to see your day is not spent doing absolutely nothing.

3. Physical exercise

Take ten or more minutes to get outside for a walk — breath in the fresh air to increase your serotonin that will boost your mood and focus.

4. Create a to-do list

Feeling overwhelmed is based on all the things in your head, you “think” you need to get done. Creating a list will do two things; you will realize the time-fillers that don’t actually need to be done, less is more. As you complete the things that are important to do, you can mark them off for a feeling of accomplishment. (I like to use a hot pink highlighter)

Do one thing at a time and delegate if needed. Kids can do chores just as much as you can.

5. Surround yourself with motivated and inspiring people

Surround yourself with motivated and inspiring people When you spend time with people that are motivated and positive, that energy is infectious. You will want to be motivated and positive as well.

6. Remove negative influences

If you find yourself getting sucked into cousin Betty’s drama on Facebook, turn it off! The friend that calls to complain about everything under the sun don’t answer. These things will suck your time and energy.

7. Create a vision board

Visually seeing your goals every day keeps the focus on the bigger picture. Using magazines, printouts, and photographs to put your goals on a poster board, then hang in a place you will see daily.

8. Find motivating podcast

Listening to insights from people who are motivated enough to put it out into the world means something.

Here are my go-to for inspiration and motivation

Super Soul Conversations

Living On Purpose Podcast

Rise Podcast with Rachel Holli

Tips to be successful:

To create consistency, start with one new habit for 30 days. When we look at the list of ways to stay motivated, we try to do it all at once. This doesn’t work! We get overwhelmed and either never get started or give up, which then causes the cycle of negative self-talk.

Get your free motivational journal page to track your daily progress.

Use a google or outlook calendar to block out an adequate amount of time in your day to achieve what you have set out to do. If something takes an hour, block out the full hour, blocking out less will make you feel rushed, and the task may not get completed.

Read more at Care For Me



Krissy Ferguson

Certified Trauma Informed Life Coach that specializes in Neurological Healing Meditation, Relationships, and Parenting. www.LifeWithKrissy.org